Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Entrepreneurship and Creativity Program

- 2019/03/21

Entrepreneurship and Creativity Program

A Program for Development in the Field of Entrepreneurship and Creativity

The Program Objectives:

  • Disseminate the culture of creativity and entrepreneurship in building a knowledgeable economic society.
  • Develop the skills of choosing a creative entrepreneurial project.
  • Instill entrepreneurial thinking to contribute in building an integrated system in creativity and entrepreneurship.

The Training Schedule:

Course Name





Creative Thinking when choosing the project idea

Ms. Suhair Saqti


27 Rajab, 1440 A.H.

3 April, 2019 A.C.

9 a.m-2 p.m.

5 hours

Training hall in the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Al-Zahir headquarters, building (D)

Designing the creative startups

Dr. Najwa Samraqandi


28 Rajab, 1440 A.H.,

4 April, 2019 A.C.,

9 a.m-2 p.m.

5 hours

Establishing of the entrepreneurial project and choosing the product

Prof. Lamia Berzi


3 Sha`ban, 1440 A.H.

8 April, 2019 A.C.

9 a.m-2 p.m.

5 hours

Effective marketing for the creative entrepreneurial project

Dr. Najwa Samraqandi


4 Sha`ban, 1440 A.H.

9 April, 2019 A.C.

9 a.m-2 p.m.

5 hours

  • Number of training hours in all the training program= 20 hours.
  • Number of days of the training courses = 4 days.
  • Registration fees for the complete program= SR 1000.
  • Registration fees for one course= SR 250.

For Registration:

  • Please visit the Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (female section), Al-Zahir Campus, Gate no. 1, Building (D), First Floor.

  • For initial registration, please click here.
  • To confirm registration, you should pay the fees in cash.
  • For inquiry, contact us via the following email: [email protected]

Form for Assessing the ‘Entrepreneurship and Creativity’ Program: Click here.
