Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University


- 2016/11/13



The Institute of Consulting Research and Studies was established as per the decision of the Council of Higher Education in its session No. 54 dated 14th Jumada I, 1430H, corresponding to May 9th, 2009, to transform the Center of Consulting Research and Studies into the Institute of Consulting Research and Studies. In JumadaI, 29th, 1430H, corresponding to May 24th, 2009, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers and Head of the Council of Higher Education issued the decision No. 4882/MB to approve the establishment of the institute.
Who are we?

The Consulting Research and Studies Institute provides full time and part time consultancy by its specialist, distinctive and qualified  faculty members. The institute also provides physical support for its faculty members from different colleges to attend the scientific conferences. Additionally, it also provides financial support for the scientific research under the umbrella of Sabic company, besides providing support for establishing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Technical Innovation Center in the university.  

Further, the institute also helps to activate the role of the faculty members and linking it to commercial and investment sides. By such mean of setting a mechanism through which the community can make use of his expertise and consultancy outside the fences of the university in a proper way. Such mechanism enables the faculty member to establish a think take office in his field of specialization in such manner that serves the student, university, and the external investment entities in a systematic manner using regulated investment contracts and agreed financial ratios under the umbrella of the UQU Consulting research and studies Institute.




We establish ourselves to become national expertise center with a worldwide reputation in the field of Knowledge transfer and the provision of studies and consultancy services and the vocational training for the public and private sectors and the community.



To offer high-quality and approved consultancy studies and services and vocational training in order to transfer knowledge to the beneficiaries exactly like the private sector, by such means of harnessing Umm Al-Qura University (UQU) human, material and knowledge potentials and building strategic partnerships locally and internationally. 




  • Increasing Umm Al-Qura University (UQU) contributions to achieving development plans and building the knowledge society.
  • Forging close relations between the university on one hand and institutions of the public and private sectors and the community on the other hand.
  • Launching and expanding the university's partnerships, activities and services in the fields of research, consultancy, knowledge and vocational training in an endeavor to serve beneficiaries locally and internationally, in a manner which achieves the institute's vision.
  • Developing and diversifying UQU contractual businesses to help transfer knowledge and whatever relevant to it.
  • Winning community confidence in the vocational field.
  • Providing a professional work environment for the beneficiaries based on our capability as one team to develop initiatives and turn challenges into achievements.





  • Strengthening the teamwork spirit.
  • Holding high the values of transparency, administrative fairness and scientific and practical integrity.
  • Commitment to assist our clients in achieving their goals.
  • Claiming responsibility for our work and consolidating our excellence.
  • Adopting various solutions and methodologies and supporting creative ideas to catch the best results.
  • Concluding contracts according to standards of scientific accuracy, professionalism, and worthiness to assure quality.
  • Harnessing our capacities for the benefit of our community and clients.


Methodology of Work:

We are working closely with our partners in public, private sectors, and community. We share with them  construction and development and we are jointly working to find proper solutions based on a clear mechanism that depends on the following:

  1. Evidence-Based Analysis.
  2. Proper executive techniques.
  3. Simplifying  internal and external partners contracts for beneficiaries in such manner that meet their aspirations.
  4. Finding applicable solutions.
  5. Providing training and requirements   necessary for supporting professional accreditation.



Services provided by the Institute of Consulting Researches and Studies:

The institute provides the following services:

  1. Constancy services.
  2. Professional accreditation support services.


 Vice-Deanships of the Institute: 

•    Vice Deanship for Consulting Studies.
•    Vice-Deanship for Support of Professional Accreditation
•    Vice-Deanship for Female Section 
•    Vice-Deanship for Financial and Administrative Affairs 
•    Vice-Deanship for Business Implementation and Development

