Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Form to Conduct Equivalency to the ‘Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Jurisprudence’ Courses (For the Students of the Department of Regulations)

     From : - 2021/02/22 م , To : - 2025/03/01 م

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       انت على وشك فتح تذكرة الكترونية في قسم Form to Conduct Equivalency to the ‘Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Jurisprudence’ Courses (For the Students of the Department of Regulations)

    Personal Data

    * Full Name

    * University Email

    * Email

    * National ID Number

    * Mobile Number

    Scores of the ‘Jurisprudence’ Courses

    * Jurisprudence of Worship 1

    * Jurisprudence of Transactions 1

    * Jurisprudential Rules

    * Criminal Rulings 1

    * Proving Methods

    * Jurisprudence of Worship 2

    * Jurisprudence of Contemporary Financial Transactions

    * Wills and Endowment Rulings

    * Inheritance Rulings

    * Family-Related Rulings

    Scores of the ‘Fundamentals of Jurisprudence’ Courses

    * Fundamentals of Jurisprudence 1

    * Fundamentals of Jurisprudence 3

    * Fundamentals of Jurisprudence 2

    Attach the Academic Record

    * Attach a Copy of the Academic Record
    Allowed extensions : csv, doc, docx, pdf, ppt, pptx, ppsx, txt, xls, xlsx
    Allowed Size : 10240
