Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Request for Publication on Social Media Platforms

     From : - 2018/10/04 م , To : - 2030/10/08 م

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    The Media Center welcomes you, and is honored to serve you.

     The center's scope of work is concerned with covering the news relevant to the achievements and activities that display a positive image of the university.

     Regular meetings and internal work of the departments and individuals do not belong to our scope of work.

     In case of large multimedia files, please upload them to a cloud link

     Re-tweets that do not suit the publication policy (linguistic and spelling mistakes and personal accounts) will not be published.

    I agree.

    Request for Publication on Social Media Platforms

     Type of the platform

    * Field of the content

    * Content (In case of a re-tweet, place the tweet link.)

    * Sponsor of the Event

    * Mobile number of the administration's coordinator


    Photos, announcements, or documents (if available)

    Allowed extensions : mp3, wav, wma, mp4, wmv, avi, flv, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, 7z, csv, doc, docx, gz, gzip, pdf, ppt, pptx, ppsx, txt, xls, xlsx, zip
    Allowed Size : 1024


    Photos, announcements, or documents (if available)

    Allowed extensions : mp3, wav, wma, mp4, wmv, avi, flv, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, 7z, csv, doc, docx, gz, gzip, pdf, ppt, pptx, ppsx, txt, xls, xlsx, zip
    Allowed Size : 1024


    Photos, announcements, or documents (if available)

    Allowed extensions : mp3, wav, wma, mp4, wmv, avi, flv, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, 7z, csv, doc, docx, gz, gzip, pdf, ppt, pptx, ppsx, txt, xls, xlsx, zip
    Allowed Size : 1024


    If you have any other information or notes, specify here.

     We are pleased to help you through contacting and counseling Mr. Muhammad Samih on mobile number: (0566691646). For the female section, contact Ms. Angham Al-Saqqaf on mobile number (0591336823). You can ask for help by contacting engineer Ala' Jamal on the mobile number: (0555511323).
