Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Request Form to Offer Souvenirs to the UQU Guests

Request Form to Offer Souvenirs

     From : - 2020/08/31 م , To : - 2025/09/07 م

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User Details :

Following Data will be included with the From
       انت على وشك فتح تذكرة الكترونية في قسم Form to Offer Gifts
     Contact Information

    * Extension Number

    * Mobile Number

     Information about the Persons to Whom Souvenirs will Be Offered

    * Number of Persons to Whom Souvenirs will Be Offered

     If your answer is ‘Others’, please state the number of persons to whom souvenirs will be presented.

    * Names of the Persons to Whom Souvenirs will Be Offered

    * Positions of the persons to whom souvenirs will be presented

    * The persons to who the souvenirs are offered belong to:

     If your answer was ‘Form Outside the University’, please state the entity to which the persons belong.

     Information about the Occasion

    * Title of the Occasion

    * Venue of the Occasion

     If your answer is ‘Others’, please state the place of the event.

    * Date of the Occasion

    * Time of the Occasion

     Additional Information
