Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

About the Department

- 2024/06/27


In the recent decades, the world has seen amazing development in information technology by introducing advanced computer systems and using them in various fields, thus making computer and networks engineering one of the fastest growing specialization qualitatively and quantitatively. To keep abreast with ongoing development in the Kingdom, computer and networks engineering was separated from computer and electrical engineering in the beginning of the first semester of the academic year 1421H to become an independent department affiliating to the college of Islamic architecture and engineering at that time. To meet Kingdom's growing needs for specialists in the computer and networks engineering field, a royal decree was issued in 1426H to establish college of computing and making computer and networks engineering one of its departments, in a manner which enable students to learn about the latest developments in this field and provide the country with qualified graduates participating on the ongoing upgrading, and keeping up with current technology era.

Mission of the University:

Distinction in education, research and innovation to develop the knowledge economy and serve the community based on our status as the heart of the Arab and Islamic worlds.

Mission of the College:

Creation of a conductive environment for quality education and innovative research in computing and informatics promoting knowledge-based economy, societal needs and ethical values.

Mission of the Department:

To educate students to be computer and networks engineers who are competent and conscientious, and who have the ability to become intellectual professionals in industry, government, and academia. Fostering an academic environment ideal for having applied and innovative research, and for providing professional services to the Saudi community


  • Upholding teamwork spirit.
  • Commitment and responsibility
  • Promoting Islamic values.
  • Professionalism
  • Innovation and creativity.