Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Accreditation Software

- 2023/12/19

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    Why Use CLOSO to Prepare Course Files?

    The department is using a software package called CLOSO marketed by to achieve the following goals:

    1. To cut down the instructor’s time and effort in preparing course file and data collection.
    2. To increase the reliability of collected data.
    3. To allow error-free processing of large amount of data and thus enable the department to analyze and evaluate all courses within a week after obtaining course files from the instructors.
    4. To obtain faculty opinion on a number of issues that may help improve the CLO and SO attainments.
    5. To identify course(s) having issue(s) and to take corrective measures.
    6. To enable the chairman of the department and the ABET coordinator to review the SO attainments and “Loop-closing” in each semester.
    7. To maintain a unified database for syllabi of all courses.
    8. To make the assessment and evaluation system highly sustainable.

    Since CLOSO satisfies all the above requirements, it has been extensively used by the instructors in preparing course files and by the ABET coordinator in getting data for ABET SSR.

    How to download/update and install CLOSO?

    Step 1. Visit

    Step 2. Click "Client Portal" then “Client Login/Download”

    Step 3. Enter your login ID and password as given below and click the “login” button.

    1. Login ID:     uqucompe
    2. Password:       UQUCOE (All caps)

    Step 4. Download the following two files shown under the heading “Download”: 

    1. CLOSO Setup Program
    2. CLOSO User’s Manual

    Step 5. Install the software by double clicking the setup program from the directory where you saved the above files. You can also follow the steps given in Chapter 3 “Initial Setup” of the user’s manual. (Download the user’s manual as explained in Step 4)

    Step 6. Open CLOSO. If this is the first time you are installing CLOSO, activate the license by clicking "Instructor's License" and provide the Login ID. If you are upgrading from an already installed version, go to next step. 

    Step 7.   Click the “Import SYL File” icon and import the syllabus. Click the "Import CUS File" icon and import the customization file.

    Note: The above step is required only once. Whenever there is a change in the syllabus, it will be automatically updated.


