Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

UQU Retired Staff & Contract-Employees Honored

Participations , Featured news , Community ,
Added on - 2017/03/23  |  اخر تعديل - 2017/03/23

Umm Al-Qura University (UQU) organized a ceremony on Thursday, Jumada al-Thani 24, 1438H, to honor as many as 123 academics and employees who have reached the age of retirements. The event was attended by President of Umm Al Qura University (UQU) Dr. Bakri Bin M'atoog Bin Bakri Assas, Vice-presidents, Deans of Colleges and Deanships.

At the girls section, Dean of Undergraduate Studies (Girls Section) Dr. Hala bint Saeed Al Amoudi and vice-deans have participated to the celebration that was organized by the Department of Staff and Employee Affairs at King Abdulaziz Hall in Al-Abdiyah (for male participants) and at Al Gawhara Hall in Al Zaher (for female participants).

At the beginning, Dr. Assas lift the curtain on tableau made by Art Education students under the title "Our Soldiers on the Borders" in acknowledgment to their efforts to guard borders.

ead of the Department of Staff Affairs Mr. Nizar Abbas delivered the opening speech after listening to few verses of the Holy Quran. He extended thanks to Dr. Assas for holding the celebration under his patronage. Also, he praised support given by Dr. Vice-President Dr. Yasser bin Sulleiman Shosho to hold the celebration that embodied keenness to show respect for ex-employees who reached the age of retirement after working hard to serve the university and promote its situation among other educational facilities. He asserted that it the university's duty to show gratitude to those who served it to reach its current position.

Later, a presentation was given on the university's scientific and educational mission and the role played by everybody to bolster this progress.

 Using the CCTV System, Dr. Luluwa Alqueflie addressed the attendees on behalf of the academics while Dr. Abdurrahman Al Ghamedy delivered speech in name of the administrative personnel. They extended thanks to university for farewelling colleagues who have retired. The event reflects the continuous support given by the university leaders to employees in order to achieve goals and accomplish their missions, they said.

They described the meeting as a clue of harmony that distinguishes relations between employees at the university. Also, it reflects keenness and support given by UQU president for the best interest of the education, academic, administrative and social missions, they noted, adding they would not forget the long years they stayed at the service of Umm Al-Qura University.

During the same meeting, Dr. Ehab Abdel Razeq delivered a speech on behalf of the contract-employees who have finished their mandate. They extended thanks to the university and president Dr. Assas for giving the opportunity to work at the university and play a role with the academics to provide scientific and educational services for students. They asserted that their jobs at the university were very important and granted them honor. 

In the same context, Dr. Assas paid tribute to workers who have reached age of retirement and finished their employment contracts. He added honoring retired employees and those who have passed away is an attempt to express gratitude for their role in the process of development achieved by the university under generous support from the government.

The administrative and academic divisions have harmoniously integrated to educate highly-qualified graduates who have the potentials to serve their country and community. He urged the academic pensioners to let the country use their experience in serving homeland. He wished them healthy life and progress and asked Allah to forgive those who died.

Dr. Assas concluded the celebration by handing shields of honor and certificates of appreciation to the employees. Dr. Al Amoudi has given female employees similar sheilds and certificates.

