Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University Extrapolates the Future of the Saudi Kingdom in Light of the Aspirations and Strategies of King Salman

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Added on - 2021/01/21  |  اخر تعديل - 2021/01/21

The former Deputy Chairman of the Shura Council, Prof. Abdullah Al-Maatani, touched on the glory of the homeland and its steadfast course while presenting for us the memory of political, cultural and social history. This is represented in the accomplishments whose spearhead is King Salman, from his childhood until he became well-versed in the leadership of the great Saudi Kingdom and the building of its ambitious future. The deputy chairman continued by reviewing the features of King Salman’s personality and experience which reflected on the country’s development and prosperity in various fields.

This topic was discussed in the symposium on "The Future of the Saudi Kingdom in Light of the Aspirations and Strategies of King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud", organized by Umm Al-Qura University, represented by the King Salman Chair for Studies of the History of Makkah at the Deanship of Scientific Research. The symposium was organized today in coordination with the King Abdulaziz Foundation at King Abdulaziz Hall in Al-Abdiyyah. It was held under the auspices of the Advisor to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and Governor of Makkah, His Royal Highness Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, and attended by the UQU President Prof. Moaddi bin Muhammad Aal Madh-hab, the Counselor at the Royal Court and Commissioned Secretary-General of King Abdulaziz Foundation, Dr. Fahd Al-Samari, and the Chair Professor, Dr. Abdullah Al-Sharif.

Cultural Construction

The member of the Shura Council and former Professor of History at King Saud University, Prof. Ahmad Al-Zailai, spoke on the reflection of the cultural formation of King Salman bin Abdulaziz, may Allah protect him, on the national renaissance course since His Royal Highness assumed leadership. His Royal Highness gave his attention to literary clubs, transforming some of them into cultural centers, in addition to the creation of independent bodies to assume leadership of the Saudi cultural sector. This has achieved remarkable diversity in sources of income and optimal economic investment in promising fields by stimulating tourism and providing job opportunities for the Saudi citizens.

Prof. Al-Zailai alluded to the contents of the speech of King Salman at the First International Forum for Antiquities in the Saudi Kingdom, denoting his keenness and emphasis on the importance of antiquities and cultural heritage in rooting the history of the kingdom and documenting it to be a solid national identity for generations. He highlighted the scientific event in which the hopes of the Arabic language specialists were fulfilled, represented in the establishment of the King Salman International Complex for Arabic Language. This complex is one of the national strategic initiatives of the Ministry of Culture that has become a global reference for serving, advancing and preserving the Arabic language by correcting common mistakes in its linguistic structures.

Ambitious Future

In turn, the Professor of Modern History and International Relations at King Abdulaziz University, Prof. Abdul-Rahman Al-Urabi, read into the future of the Saudi Kingdom its progress in all aspects of promising development and construction for the life of its people by tracking the progress indicators achieved by the Saudi Vision 2030 since its launch in 2016, in accordance with the aspirations of its leader, Crown Prince His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Salman. This vision has become one of the strengths and pioneering aspects, starting from its various themes and programs and the resulting achievements and pioneering projects that surpassed international standards in a short period of time.

On his part, the UQU President, Prof. Moaddi Aal Madh-hab, stressed the keenness of the Counselor to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Prince Khalid Al-Faisal, to sponsor the symposium and follow it up closely to ensure its success. He praised the scientific chairs the university holds, especially the King Salman Chair for Studies of the History of Makkah, which is at the forefront of distinguished chairs at the level of Saudi universities. It bears the honor of the name and the leadership in documenting the accomplishments of the country’s leader and in serving Makkah with its scientific production, which adds up to 22 books and 52 scientific papers.

The Professor of the King Salman Chair for Studies of the History of Makkah, Dr. Abdullah Al-Sharif, stated that the symposium aims to document the nation’s history and its steady developments from the era of the country’s founder, King Abdulaziz bin Abdul-Rahman, may he rest in peace, up to the era of the leader of the march of glory King Salman bin Abdulaziz, may Allah protect him, in light of his aspirations and strategies that he firmly formulated and his wise leadership to build a better future for the kingdom and its people. He added that the symposium pinpointed his wisdom and great experience in reconciling constants and variables, and the introduction of the means of development and progress in accordance with the national vision which is approved by the King and run by His Crown Prince, the spearhead of the Saudi Vision, His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

His Excellency the Counselor at the Royal Court and the Commissioned Secretary-General of King Abdulaziz Foundation, Dr. Fahd Al-Samari, in his speech, addressed King Salman as a cultural figure, referring to the historical achievements that led in building the nation’s future. This is to prove that history is not a past or a forgotten science; it is an extended culture of present achievements and an awareness of them. Moreover, it is considered the foundation of the human personality and the source of inspiration for younger generations to understand matters and look into the future. This is a reason for the people’s pride in their wise leadership.
