Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Extending Congratulations to His Eminence Dr. Abdullah bin Jamaan Al-Ghamdi for Obtaining His Doctorate Degree

College News
Added on - 2020/11/11  |  اخر تعديل - 2020/11/11


The College of Judicial Studies and Regulations congratulates Dr. Abdullah bin Jamaan Al-Ghamdi, academic staff member at the Department of Judicial Studies, for obtaining a doctorate degree in the field of (judicial studies) with an excellent grade (with a recommendation to print his thesis and exchange it with other universities). His thesis is entitled: ‘Criminal Policy According to Imam Ahmad (May Allah Have Mercy on Him), Compiled and Studied, and Its Judicial Applications in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’.

The scientific thesis was defended today, Wednesday, 25/3/1442 A.H., in front of the defense committee consisting of:

  • His Eminence Prof. Abdul-Rahman Al-Sulami (external examiner).
  • His Eminence Prof. Nassir Al-Ghamdi (internal examiner).
  • His Eminence Prof. Sami Al-Hazmi (rapporteur).

We ask Allah (Glorified and Exalted be He) to grant Dr. Abdullah bin Jamaan Al-Ghamdi further success and guidance, and to bless his knowledge and benefit the people with it.
