Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

UQU President Inaugurates  Call to Allah Exhibition 

Participations , Featured news , Events ,
Added on - 2017/02/26  |  اخر تعديل - 2017/02/26


President of Umm Al-Qura University Dr. Bakri bin M'atooq bin Bakri Assas inaugurated on Sunday Jumada Al-Oula 29, 1438 H events of the Call to Allah  in Makkah Exhibition organized by the College of Da'wa and Islamic Theology in the period from Jumada Al-Oula 29, up to Jumada Al-Thania 3, 1438 H with the participation of 28 Da'wa institutions at the different Da'wa  and scientific sectors in Makkah. The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Director General of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and Endowment branch in Makkah Al-Sheikh Ali Al-Abdali, UQU Vice Presidents, and College Deans.

After initiating the ceremony with Quranic recitation, the Dean of the College of Da'wa and Islamic Theology who serves also as the Imam and Preacher of the Grand Mosque Dr. Faisal Gazawi delivered address on this occasion referring to the role of the his college as one of the sharia colleges intended to spread sharia education, maintain Islamic heritage, achieve the correct path of Islam and provide scientific training for the preachers based on  the faith of the People of the Sunnah and Jama'ah.

He added that the role of the college is not limited only to providing benefits for the university students but to provide beneficial programs and purposeful activities to serve and educate the community. Having such a thing in mind, he added the idea of the exhibition emerged as an intellectual and cultural forum involving official and charity Da'wa societies and institutions in Makkah to attain precious purposes, achieve partnerships, cooperation and competition in the Call to the goodness, besides attaching significant concern to Da'wa methods and means.  

Within the same vein, Dr. Gazawi extended his thanks and appreciation to the President of UQU for his support and keenness to organize this exhibition and to the ex-dean of Da'wa College Dr. Mohamed Al-Sarhani who was behind the idea of organizing such exhibition. He extended his thanks also to include the vice dean of the college who is also the supervisor of the exhibition Dr. Ieesa Al-Mosalami, the college vice deans, members of the supervisory committee of the exhibition, quality council, and the involved preaching parties. Then the audience viewed a presentation on the College of Da'wa and Islamic Theology.    

 He was followed by the Director General of the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and Endowment branch in Makkah Al-Sheikh Ali  bin Salim Al-Abdali who said that the exhibition is characterized by four features including; focusing on the main profession of the prophets which is the call to Allah,  being organized in Makkah the place of revelation, being organized at Umm Al-Qura University, the leading university in serving Islam and the call to Allah. The last feature is that the exhibition is supervised by the College of Da'wa and Islamic Theology which includes doctoral degrees Holders, faculty members and instructors representing or preachers and imams. He extended his thanks to the UQU President Dr. Bakri Assas for his support and his keenness to organize such exhibition, the dean of the college of Da'wa and Islamic Theology Dr. Faisal Gazawi and the team in charge of the exhibition for the success of its activities. Then the audience viewed a presentation about the participating institutions.    

For his part, the UQU President Dr. Bakri bin M'atooq bin Bakri Assas delivered an address in which he indicated the importance of organizing such exhibitions and their role in exchanging expertise between the participant parties and highlighting preaching means. He further praised the scientific elites of the college who devoted their efforts to serve Islam, meanwhile congratulating the Dean of the College of Da'wa and all the employees for organizing such exhibition.   

After that, Dr. Assas honored institutions participated in the exhibition, toured the exhibition and checked on its different pavilions. 

