Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

UQU President Launches Cost Center Statistics Application 

Participations , Featured news ,
Added on - 2016/12/31  |  اخر تعديل - 2016/12/31


President of Umm Al-Qura University Dr. Bakri bin M'atooq bin Bakri Assas launched on Thursday  Rabie Al-Awal 30, 1438 H at the Meetings Hall in Abdyia the application of the cost center statistics. Attending the meeting were the UQU Vice President Dr. Yassir bin Suleiman Shoushou, UQU Vice President for Academic Development and Community Service Dr. Hani bin Osman Ghazi, UQU Vice President for Postgraduate Studies and Scientific Research Dr. Thamir bin Hamdan Al-Harbi, UQU Vice President for Educational Affairs, Dr. Abdul-Aziz bin Rashad Al-Sorouji, UQU Vice President for Branches Dr. Abdulmajeed bin Saeed Al Ghamdi as well as the Directors of the Departments relevant to the cost centers statistics.  

During the meeting, Dr. Assas lauded such qualitative leap made by the Deanship of Information Technology and its significant efforts in this regard saying that all the deanships and departments present in this meeting are pivotal for the university. 

On his part, the UQU Vice President, Dr. Shoushou said that cost center statistics lay down the bases for building strategic plan in the university, analyzing points of strengths, weakness, opportunities and challenges, creating balanced scorecard, distributing public expenditure on fair bases, developing and distributing human resources, defining all the university requirements including employees and faculty members in addition to setting the bases for the numbers of admitted and graduate students in the university.       

After that, the Vice Dean of IT for e-Transactions, Dr. Atef Al-Hejaili gave a presentation on the cost center statistics and it is structuring mechanism in one year as well as an elaborate explanation and examples in this regard. 

He was followed by UQU Vice President for Academic Development and Community Service Dr. Hani bin Osman Ghazi who lauded the deanship of information technology and its affiliates shoulder the works of this deanship. He also praised the achievements of the deanship and branded them as a qualitative leap.

At the conclusion, Dr. Ghazi lauded the support and attention of the UQU President Dr. Assas and the support provided by the vice presidents to all the  departments and deanships wishing success for everyone.    
