Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Yesser 7th Measurement Team Visits UQU

Participations , Featured news , Participations ,
Added on - 2016/12/21  |  اخر تعديل - 2016/12/21

 Vice President of Umm Al-Qura University (UQU) and Vice Chairman of the Supreme Committee for E-Transactions Dr. Hany bin Othman bin Yassin Ghazi reiterated the importance of transformation for e-operations in order to benefit from the positive performance in the university.

He highlighted support by the President of Umm Al Qura University (UQU) Dr. Bakri Bin M'atoog Bin Bakri Assas who is the chairman of the committee to the transformation.

Dr. Ghazi made the remarks during a meeting on Monday Rabi' Al Awwal 20, 1438H the e-Government Transformation Measurement (Yesser) review team.

The meeting was held at the office of Academic Development Deanship in Aziziyah. It was attended by Vice-President Dr. Yasser bin Sulleiman Shosho and members of the committee and a number of the IT Deanship officials.

The meeting took up a number of issues including the UQU response to the Yesser measurement program. Also, talks were held with members of the committee and the Administrative Development Department. Later, they toured the sections of the IT Deanship and the Data Center.

In the same context, Vice Dean of the Information Technology Dr. Atif M. Alhejali who is the committee's coordinator at the university said the team provided a number of visions which were put for discussion in previous meeting.

These views were crystallized according to the human element (the administrative and infrastructure sections), he said, adding the same views in addition to the achievements were presented to the UQU's committee.

He noted a report is scheduled to be presented on this development. The university is looking forward to maximize benefit of the report for the next year, he added

The 7th Measurement phase is part of the e-Government Transformation Measurement for some government entities which finalized the second phase requirements (Availability) to be measured in the "improvement" phase.

The measurement aims at the effective organizational structuring in order to transform to e-government, spread service providing culture, improve human efficiency and knowledge level, maintain security of information in addition to other goals to which the UQU endeavors to make them real.   
