Gulf University for Science and Technology invites Dr. Kholoud Al-Thubaiti, Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics in the English Department at Umm Al-Qura University, to discuss second language acquisition from a linguistic perspective on Thursday Nov 7th, 2019.
Title: How do people acquire second languages? A linguistic approach
Description: This hands-on workshop introduces participants to the study of Second Language Acquisition from a linguistic perspective. Applying the principles of objectivity and systematicity, we describe how people acquire a second language (thereafter, L2) beyond their first language (thereafter, L1). Participants are introduced to the concept of ‘interlanguage grammar’ (thereafter, ILG) as the standard term for the mental grammar of L2 speakers (Corder, 1967; Selinker, 1972; among others). They are also introduced to the distinction between competence and performance in ILGs (White, 2003). The participants receive practice in analyzing samples of L2 English data that come from different L1 groups, including Arabic. During the practice session, the two principles of objectivity and systematicity are emphasized by introducing the danger of falling into the trap of comparative fallacy (Bley-Vroman, 1983), when L2 data is being compared with the native-speakers’ use of the language.
At the end of this workshop, participants should be able to: