Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

A Security Delegation Looks into Ways to Capitalize on Makkah Techno-Valley Technologies

Participations , Featured news ,
Added on - 2016/11/13  |  اخر تعديل - 2016/11/13

Brigadier Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Zahrani, the director of the Gatherings and General Security Department, his accompanying delegation discussed with Dr. Usama bin Rashid Ala’amari, the  Makkah Techno-Valley chief executive officer, ways to have the general security capitalize  on the start-ups’ technologies  in transport and the gatherings management, during their visit to the headquarters of the Makkah Techno Valley  start-ups. 

Still, the security delegation got acquainted with the technologies of the Makkah Techno Valley start-ups. They also listened to an elaborate explanation from Dr. Majid Abdullah, the director of the Public Relations and Media Department, about the products of the Makkah Techno Valley start-ups, especially those related to transport and mass gatherings management. Similarly, he reviewed the clients signed contracts with those companies to apply its technologies for serving the haj performers, and ways to capitalize on them at the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, Makkah, Madinah and the Holy Sites. Then, they all watched a visual presentation presenting an account about the commercial transformation for the researches and innovations at the Makkah Techno Valley. Likewise, the security delegation came forward with suggestions and solutions to that effect which appealed to the Makkah Techno Valley officials.

Within the same vein, Brigadier Mohammed bin Abdullah Alzahrani, the director of the Gatherings and General Security Department, and the accompanying delegation took pride upon seeing the slogan “Made in Makkah” tagged to technology products, serving the Haj performers.  Further, they underlined that the technologies they saw will contribute to lifting many of the existing obstacles in transport and the gatherings management.

The security delegation ended his visit with offering thanks to the Makkah Techno Valley officials; spearheaded by Dr. Bakri bin Matouq Assas; the Umm Al-Qura University (UQU) president and chairman of the Makkah Techno Valley board of directors, Dr. Nabil bin Abdul-Qadir Kushuk; the UQU Work and Knowledge Innovation vice president and the Makkah Techno Valley vice chairman and Dr. Usama bin Rashid Ala’amari; the chief executive officer of the Makkah Techno Valley for being instrumental to these accomplishments.
