Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

 UQU Vice President for Female Student Affairs Receives Annual Report of the Deanship of Student Affairs

General News , Events ,
Added on - 2018/11/24  |  اخر تعديل - 2018/11/24

On Thursday Rabi` Al-Awwal 14, 1440 A.H., the UQU Vice President for Female Student Affairs, Dr. Sarah bint Omar Al-Kholy, received the annual report of the Deanship of Student Affairs during a meeting in her office at the university campus in Al-Zahir. The report includes the deanship’s work and scientific and developmental achievements during the last academic year of 1439 A.H. The meeting was attended by the Vice Dean of Student Affairs for Activities and Students, Dr. Khulud bint Muhammad Abo Al-Naja; the Vice Dean of Student Affairs for Counseling, Guidance, and Community Partnership, Dr. Amal bint Omar Khairo Sindy; the Vice Dean of Student Affairs for Student Support, Dr. Mona bint Muhammad Hajjy, and the Vice Dean of Student Affairs for Studens Services, Dr. Loaloah bint Salih Al-Harthy, who valued the support provided by the UQU President for the Deanship of Student Affairs. They also extended their thanks and appreciation to Dr. Al-Kholy for her exerted efforts and prayed for Allah to grant everyone success in serving this scientific edifice.

Dr. Al-Kholy finished by expressing her happiness for the efforts exerted and the achievements highlighted in the report, saying that such successful efforts must have a positive impact on the skills development of the university community in general and the students in particular. 
