Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Deanship of Students Affairs Invite Students to Participate in the Activities of the 10th Scientific Meeting

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Added on - 2018/10/29  |  اخر تعديل - 2018/10/29

The UQU Deanship of Students Affairs invites the University students to participate in the activities of the 10th Scientific Meeting to be organized by the Deanship at the university campus in Abdiya.

The Dean of Students Affairs, Dr. Amr bin Taha Al-Saggaf, said the 10th Scientific Meeting includes five themes, covering the fields of research, creativity competitions, enrichment competitions, artistic works, and diction, and each theme includes a number of different paths (sections).

He added that this meeting is intended to give all the male and female students the opportunity to participate in an open scientific meeting to hone their skills and strengthen their capacities as well as their creativity, under the support and concern of the UQU President Prof. Abdullah bin Omar Bafail, and the follow up of the UQU Vice President for Educational Affairs Prof. Abdulaziz Sorouji.

On his part, the Vice-Dean of Students Affairs and the Supervisor of the Scientific Meeting, Dr. Talal bin Aly Mothana, said that all contributions to the meeting have to be compatible with Islamic principles, values, laws and adopted traditions, and must not be in conflict with the University's goals and objectives. The submitted contribution shall be the brainchild of the student, and should not breach the rules of scientific integrity or impair the intellectual rights of others. In addition, the student's contribution shall be nominated by the college's coordinator who has been approved by the deanship. The contribution shall not have been submitted to previous gatherings, or published or accepted for publication in any scientific journal.

However, he said that for the innovation path, the participant is allowed to submit his innovative project even if he has already displayed it in local or international exhibitions, as long as he did not receive an award for it. But if he did receive an award for it, he can only participate in the forum after having modified or developed it substantially. In addition, the participant must be a regular or affiliated student enrolled for this academic year 1439/1440 H in the diploma, undergraduate, fellowship or graduate levels. However, the diction theme is limited to only students in the diploma and undergraduate levels.

Within the same vein, the Vice Dean of Students Affairs for Students Services, the Deputy Supervisor of the 10th Scientific Meeting Dr. Loloa Al-Harthy, said that the number of participants in each contribution must not exceed three persons, except for the scientific research theme, and that the names of all participants must be registered in the participation application, after selecting one of them as the representative of the group. "The symbol of the Scientific Meeting must be used as a background in all the accompanying presentations, and the participants must adhere to the rules and regulations of each path," she expounded.

To conclude, the Supervisor of the 10th Scientific Meeting for the male and female students of the University, Dr.Talal Mothana, noted that the preliminary qualifications of the debate tournament will be organized in the period from 12th to 16th Jumada Al-Thani, 1440 A.H, and the sessions of the scientific meeting will be held in the period from 19th to 23rd Jumada Al-Thani, 1440 A.H.
