Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Arabic Language College Hosts Lecture on Linguistics in Teaching Arabic Language

Participations , Featured news , Participations ,
Added on - 2018/09/25  |  اخر تعديل - 2018/09/25

The Umm Al-Qura University’s College of Arabic Language hosted a lecture under the theme of "Employing Linguistics in Teaching Arabic Language". It was given by Dr. Mohamed Salah Aldin Al-Sherief. The lecture comes as a part of the awareness lectures given at the King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Center for the Arabic Language. It was organized at the College’s hall in the University City in Al-Abediya.

At the beginning of the event, Dr. Oqail Al-Shemary, the representative of King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Center, gave a speech in which he highlighted the concerns of the center and what objectives it achieves  through the diversity of activities, events and the categories of the beneficiaries from these lectures to shed light on selected linguistic topics in issues and problems that affect the Arabic language identity and address them by a modern scientific solution to end up with various projects that would contribute to serving the Arabic language and promoting its importance between other languages.

He added that the Center holds a number of scientific lectures in different places, in partnership with the long-standing scientific institutions and participation of the Arabic language experts, including researchers, those of interest and postgraduate students. He then lauded the cooperation of the College and its response to the Center to hold this lecture.

Moreover, Dr. Ahmed Al-Odwani, the Vice Dean of the College of Arabic Language, welcomed the presence and pointed that King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Center was keen on building bridges of cooperation in loyalty to the Arabic language. It extended its efforts from inside to outside the Kingdom to achieve a number of ambitious objectives to preserve, support and spread this language and honor its scientists.

He added that the College is proactive in responding to the Center’s aspirations, believing in the unity of objective and primacy of goal. He pointed that this event is a fruit of this cooperation. He then thanked all officials in the Center, led by Dr. Abdullah Al-Washemy, the Center’s Secretary General, and Dr. Oqail Al-Shemary, the representative, for their cooperation with the College. He also thanked Dr. Mohamed Salah Aldin Al-Sherief, the Linguistics Professor in Manouba University in Tunisia, for this rich event and what it includes from information for the students and those who are interested in the Arabic language.

After that, Dr. Sherief’s lecture started as a part of the presentation he gave under the theme of “Linguistics and Balanced Cultural Integration in Teaching Arabic Language as First Language”. He presented a number of aspects that are related to the Arabic Language teaching in light of the social linguistics, linguistics geographic employment, modern concept in the first language, teaching of first language and psychological and social linguistics.

The lecturer then discussed a number of topics and gave examples on employing linguistics in the educational knowledge transfer and the grammatical and critical employment on the level of the civilizational interaction. He assured that linguistics should be employed to teach the Arabic language, in addition to being enlightened with a broad view that is based on consideration which are built on various scientific culture, methodological philosophical culture and visionary historical vision, to build a firm and safe ground for a specialized scientific culture that integrate between different branches of the linguistic sciences.
