Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Tamkeen Plan Discusses the Strategic Orientation of the Scientific Research and the Graduate Studies Programs 

Participations , Featured news , Academic , Accomplishments ,
Added on - 2018/09/12  |  اخر تعديل - 2018/09/12

The UQU Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research Dr.  Thamir bin Hamdan Al-Harbi discussed with the members of the Strategic Team of Empowerment Plan "Tamkeen" 2023, the strategic orientations of the scientific research and the graduate studies programs to make the university get to the top of the rankings of the universities at the global level. The meeting took place at his office at the university campus in Azizia. 


He indicated that the vision of the UQU Vice Presidency for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research is represented in motivating researchers' scientific publication in the internationally-classified scientific research journals  by such mean of activating the excellence allowance and the excellence research awards, giving more opportunities for the members of the teaching staff to attend the scientific conferences and forums and approving scientific research ethics committee which will be activated soon.   


He explained that they are currently working on registering UQU Journals in the international search engines, pointing out that the university must have initial research lines to be worked on by the graduate students and the faculty members, besides designing a modern search engine  to take advantage of the rich researches in the sharia, education and language fields to make them appear in the international search engines in addition to supporting the infrastructure of the scientific research by establishing quality research chairs and labs and create researcher and assistant researchers jobs.  


For their part, the members of Tamkeen team valued the transparency of the UQU Vice President for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research in the discussed topics the thing which will facilitate developing and boosting the positives and avoiding the negatives to upgrade the research outputs and highlighting the university's research role. 
