Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute  Holds Workshop to Develop Strategic Plan of My Factory Initiative 

Participations , Events ,
Added on - 2018/05/23  |  اخر تعديل - 2018/05/23

The UQU Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute  organized a workshop to discuss "How to develop the strategic plan of the Center for Training and Qualifying of University Students in fields of Design, Manufacturing and Modeling", with the participation of a number of national experts in the presence of the Institute's Dean Dr. Mowfaq bin Mohamed Oreijah. The workshop took place at the Businesses Center in Jeddah.   


At the commencement of the meeting, the Institute's Dean introduced the center and the steps taken to approve it as a national initiative together with two other initiatives besides the efforts exerted by the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Institute  to stand up to its role and participate in the system of the national transformation and the plan carried in this regard. 


He highlighted the importance of the institute's role in providing programs, activities, and initiatives within the work plan of the entrepreneurs including; students, faculty members, researchers and innovators to go forward in achieving the Kingdom Vision 2030. He pointed out that the institute's works are relevant to innovative, creative and entrepreneurial works in addition to contributing to qualifying the national cadres and serving the national and citizens besides upgrading the provided programs to reach the sought-after objectives.   


He further explained that the workshop covered a number of topics including; defining strategic themes and framework of the institute, setting the impact and the final strategic plan of the center until 2020 besides setting the specialties which the institute will start working on such as engineering and mechanical studies, multi-media and computer applications in addition to other specialties which will reach 40 programs by 2020 to cover all fields of interests of innovators and inventors from the university male and female students  to qualify about 800 students during the initiative period.  


Wrapping up his speech, Dr. Oreijah praised the keenness of the UQU President Prof. Abdullah Bafail and the UQU Vice President Dr. Hani bin Osman Ghazi and their support provided for the all the programs and activities of the Institute which are designed in line with the Kingdom Vision 2030. He also lauded the efforts exerted by the experts involved in the workshop.   
