Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

UQU President Hands out Certificates to Trainees in Strategic Planning Courses   

Participations , Featured news ,
Added on - 2017/11/29  |  اخر تعديل - 2017/11/29

President of Umm Al-Qura University (UQU) Dr. Bakri bin M'atooq bin Bakri Assas handed out graduation certificates to the  university trainees who participated in the training workshops organized as part of the training program carried out by the UQU Vice Presidency  for Development and Entrepreneurship represented by the Deanship of Development and Quality during the academic year 14368/1439 H to prepare the participants to write  and draft the university strategic plan. Present in the meeting which took place at the deanship training hall in the Abdyia campus, was the Dean of Development and Quality Dr. Mohamed Ja'afar Thabit. 

On this occasion, Dr. Assas congratulated all the trainees for joining such training programs designed to prepare them to participate effectively in setting the university strategic plan urging everyone to take advantage of the knowledge and scientific capacities provided by the university to its affiliates. 


He underlined the importance of the role of all university sectors and employees in setting the future plan of the university depending on the strategic planning and the steps to be followed in this regard  starting from the planning to planning phase, how to shape strategic planning team and then analysis. After that, points of weaknesses and strengths  and challenges and opportunities are discussed and then performance indicators are measured to set an executive plan in this regard. 


Furhter, Dr. Assas extended his thanks and appreciation to the UQU Vice President for Development and Entrepreneurship Dr. Hani bin Osman Ghazi, and the Dean of Development and Quality Dr. Mohamed Ja'afar Thabit. He also extended his thanks to the expert and the internationally certified trainer in strategic planning Dr. Ayman Jwahirji for his efforts and role in this respect. 

On this occasion, the UQU Vice President for Development and Entrepreneurship Dr. Hani bin Osman Ghazi said the UQU Vice Presidency for Development and Entrepreneurship represented by the Deanship of Development and  Quality will embark during the current year on providing training for 570 of the university affiliates in the fields of writing and drafting  of strategic planning including; 200 male and female employees, 170 male and female students and 200 faculty members. 


He said this training programs represent the first steps of  involving all parties and categories in setting the university strategic plan to help those parties implementing and following-up the strategic plan emanating from everyone  on the ground in the next future so as to boost practices of the first standards of the institutional accreditation. He pointed out that the workshop will last for more than 60 days underlining that the university will obtain the institutional accreditation during the coming 10 months, Allah willing.  


For his part, the Dean of Development and Quality  Dr. Mohamed Ja'afar Thabit  expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to the UQU President Dr. Bakri Assas and to the UQU Vice President for Development and Entrepreneurship Dr. Hani bin Osman Ghazi for their support and continuous  follow-up for all the programs provided by the Deanship of Development and Quality to achieving the sought-after objectives set to upgrade Umm Al-Qura university and its outputs, services and scientific and educational programs provided for the nation and citizens.  

