Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Mobile Dental Clinics Visit Ain Shams District in Makkah

Participations , Events ,
Added on - 2016/05/23  |  اخر تعديل - 2016/05/23

The Mobile Dental Clinics of the College of Dentistry in Umm Al-Qura University have continued their awareness, voluntary and research tasks in line with the schedule set for the year 1437/1438H including regular and periodic visits to schools, colleges and inhabitants of the remote areas of Makkah, as well as the charity and people with special needs associations. In this regard, the visit of the clinics to Ain Shams district, the primary and intermediate schools on Sunday 15th of Shaaban 1437H has been warmly welcomed by the affiliates of the schools and the people at Ain Shams district in the northeast of Makkah. The medical and research team of the mobile clinics was received by the chairman of Ain Shams Center Prof. Obaidullah bin Saleh AL-Lihyani, the head of the school Mr. Abdullah bin Ali Al-Sihly and the affiliates of Ain Shams School, in the presence of the assistant vice dean for clinical affairs, Dr. Hassan bin Suleiman Hazzazi, Dr. Hassan Qadi and a number of internship doctors in the college.

During the visit, the clinics received about 50 teachers and students, as well as a number of people of the village in the morning period from 9:00 AM up to 1:00 PM, all of them subjected to initial medical check and screening using the latest medical devices and tools. To that effect, the proper measures were adopted, oral x rays were used for the emergency cases and fluoride was delivered to their teeth. After that, the interns presented an awareness lecture to the students of the schools and the visitors of the clinic on the importance of maintaining oral and dental health besides encouraging students to brush their teeth regularly and properly, as well as giving them incentive gifts and awareness brochures.  

At the end of the visit, the inhabitants of Ain Shams District and the affiliates of Ain Shams primary and intermediate schools commended the efforts of the College of Dentistry in Umm Al-Qura University and its dean Dr. Mohammad M. Beyari for contributing to raising  health awareness in the field of dental medicine of the school students in the remote villages of Makkah.    


It is noteworthy that, Ain Shams is located about 20 km northeast of Makkah. It belongs administratively to Al-Jamoum Province. The village is situated on the Al-Hramain Highway linking between Makkah and Madinah with a population of about 2500 persons.  A number of villages administratively belong to Ain Shams district. The District has a number of government and social services departments including; Ain shams district which belongs to Makkah Governorate, primary health center, primary and intermediate schools for boys, primary, intermediate and secondary schools for girls, kindergarten, and Ain Shams district which belongs to the district association of Al-Jamoum Province.   

