Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

University President Orders to Launch Faran City Project for Convalescence and Hospitalization

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Added on - 2017/10/24  |  اخر تعديل - 2017/10/24

Dr. Bakri Bin M'atoog Assas, Umm Al-Qura University President, ordered the launch of Faran City Project for Convalescence and Hospitalization at the university campus in Al-Abdiyah. The project is included in the university initiatives of the National Transformation Plan 2020 that shall yield benefits at the middle of 2018. The orders came after viewing the finals designs of the project in Al-Abdiyah in the attendance of Dr. Ali bin Mohamed Al Shaeri, Dean of the Institute; Dr. Ahmed Ashshi, Dean of the College of Applied Medical Sciences; and the vice-deans of Consulting Research and Studies Institute.

Dr. Bakri Assas commended the support of the sage government to the University which created an educational environment that enrich knowledge. He also commended the care of the Education Minister Ahmed bin Mohammed Al-Issa for the efforts of the University pointing out that the goal of establishment of Faran City in Al-Abdiyah aims at rehabilitating workers at the medical filed on physiotherapy, and providing rehabilitative medical services for about 200 patients a day. He declared that the establishment of the city comes in accordance with the Ministry of Education Initiative 2020 that realizes Saudi Vision 2030 to enhance the educational system and meet the requirements of the labor market.

He asserted that the initiative of establishing Faran City shall be implemented by the University staff. This shall be be the first step to build and improve an integrated city for physiotherapy rehabilitation particularly for people with motor disabilities. Moreover, he pointed out that the project participates in providing an international concept of medical rehabilitation that encompasses between science represented in utilizing the cutting edge tools and rehabilitation treatment concepts. Dr. Assas additionally declared that the project services shall be available for all society members as a part of the University's societal responsibility.   

Afterwards, Dr. Bakri Assas declared that most modern characteristics of technical devices have been employed in the medical physiotherapy rehabilitation to be available for all citizens pointing out that the project will aid in realizing economic growth of the Kingdom in accordance with Saudi Vision 2030, and to invest the university cognitive, scientific, and technical abilities such as laboratories, devices, and human resources in accordance with the latest international specifications and standards. This comes in addition to providing distinguished rehabilitation services for all citizens, residents, and pilgrims in the way that change the recognition of medical rehabilitation from suffering to enjoying all medical rehabilitation services.   

Dr. Assas added that there is a professional dimension for the establishment of the city lies in building training halls to train students on the latest methods and technical treatment ways in the field of medical rehabilitation for the purpose of raising their scientific and professional level in addition to participating in scientific research through conducting partnerships with international scientific institutions in the field of medical rehabilitation.

In the same vein, Dr. Ali bin Mohamed Al Shaeri, Dean of the Institute of Consulting Research and Studies, declared that many workshops have been held to put the primary designs of the project, and to study the devices and technologies employed in medical rehabilitation pointing out that the project shall be ready by the middle of 2018. The project is supposed to provide physiotherapy services for athletes with injuries, and to rehabilitate the nervous system and paralysis with its different types, in addition to rehabilitation of kids cases, burning cases, and occupational therapy.  Finally he displayed that there shall be a specialized department for nutrition and fitness, and woman's health. 

