Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Second Islamic Conference for Awqaf Activities Have Begun

Participations , Participations ,
Added on - 2017/10/18  |  اخر تعديل - 2017/10/18

On Tuesday, 27th Muharram, 1439 H, the events of the second Islamic Conference for Awqaf kicked off under the theme of "Endow for the Ultimate Reward" in Makkah. The event was attended by over 500 of experts, enthusiasts, and economists from 57 Islamic countries. It aims to raise community awareness of the importance of awqaf (endowments) and its impact on local and Islamic societies; and to offer initiatives for developments. Present were Assistant General Secretary for Political Affairs at Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Abdullah Alim, on behalf of the General Secretary, Dr. Yusuf bin Ahmed Al-Othaimein.
The head of the organizing panel, Eng. Mahmoud Ahmed Al-Awadi, delivered a speech in which he pointed out to the recommendations of the previous conference that are in progress currently. Those recommendations are manifested in a scientific partnership with UQU and the Saudi scientific Society for Waqf. He indicated that the second conference is to feature scientific sessions, workshops, discussions and initiatives.
Al-Awadi reiterated the secretariat's intention to hold partnerships with the three sectors to accomplish the objectives of the conference and its recommendations in addition to funding waqf works.
In his speech on behalf of the UQU president, the Grand Mosque's Imam, Sheikh Dr. Saud bin Ibrahim Al-Sharim, called upon participants to renew the way they address issues and create new waqf opportunities. He noted that awqaf development witnessed an unprecedented leap as massive wealth made some waqfs ready to accommodate an entire nation.
Further, Al-Sharim reiterated that the conference seeks to have edge over other conferences by renewing discourse on waqf and clearing any confusion or misconception about waqf besides offering scientific studies in this respect.
Within the same vein,  Ambassador Abdullah Alim gave a message on behalf of the General Secretariat, where he addressed the international responsibility in developmental awqaf and the conference's goal to exchange experiences and introduce waqf regulations to Islamic countries. He also noted that the conference aims to provide scientific and practical solutions for the challenges facing waqf; and boost awqaf contributions in line with Vision 2030.
On his part, the Vice-President for the Affairs of the Grand Mosque, Sheikh Dr. Mohamed Al-Khazim along with the honorary chairman of Islamic Development Bank, Ahmed bin Hamad Ali, addressed a number of examples from Islamic ages and contemporary ages, where waqfs were allocated to brides shower, compensations for damages by servants, and ink provisions to students and scholars.
Ali delivered a speech to the participants in which he called upon them to create waqfs for modern needs as well as support specialized waqf research centers. Additionally, he called for more attention to waqf funds and answering modern requirements for health, residence, and other domains to realize waqf purposes.
