Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

Dean of University Studies Opens "On Sight" Event

Participations , Events ,
Added on - 2017/10/16  |  اخر تعديل - 2017/10/16

The Dean of University Studies for Girls, Dr. Hala bint Saeed Al-Amoudi inaugurated the events of "On Sight" program organized by College of Dawa and Religious Fundamentals in partnership with the Sacred Land Exaltation Project during 25 - 29/1/1439 H. Present were the Vice-dean of College of Dawa and Religious Fundamentals for Educational Affairs and Development, Dr. Soad Babqi, at Jawhara Hall in Zahir Campus.

Al-Amoudi maintained that modern technology made the whole world connected as if it was one small village, where western and oriental cultures crossed paths and different ideologies intertwined. As a result, our youth in particular deal with concepts that are foreign to Arab communities. In light of such events, the need for awareness programs that reinforce Islamic values has become urgent.

In this respect, she commended the support of the UQU President, Dr. Bakri Matouq Assas, for such awareness programs that are to preserve the morality of campus. Then she extended thanks to the Vice-dean of College of Sa'wa and Religious Fundamentals, Dr. Soad Babqi, for her efforts in offering the program in a manner fit for UQU's prestige.

On her part, Babqi explained that the program aims to reform ideological deviancies, noting that it was organized in partnership with the Sacred Land Exaltation Project that provides several programs, valuable symposia and lectures. She lauded the support received from the Dean of College of Dawa and Religious Fundamentals, Dr. Faisal Ghazawy. Finally, she thanked the dean of university studies for inaugurating the event.

It's worth mentioning that the program features educational seminar by, Islamic Studies professor at KSU College of Education, Dr. Khalid Idrees under the title "How to Discover Tricks in Discourse?" The seminar aims to train students to uncover deception cues and fake plea in social media arguments. On the other hand, professor of Aqida and Contemporary Schools at KAU, Dr. Fawz Kordi, gave a lecture titled, "Innovation Calls".

