Umm Al-Qura University

Umm Al-Qura University

UQU Launches Series of e-Services for the Benefit of Staff

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Added on - 2017/06/18  |  اخر تعديل - 2017/06/18

Dr. Bakri M. Assas, the UQU President, has launched a series of new e-services to develop a number of the processes the UQU Department of Personnel Affairs, with relation to secondment, courses, overtime dues, committees and boards, and disclaimer, in addition to the administrative movement service. The services were launched in the presence of Dr. Yasser S. Shosho, UQU Vice President, Dr. Hani O. Ghazi, Vice President for Academic Development and Community Service and Acting Vice President for Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Creativity, Dr. Majid al-Qithami, Dean of IT, and deans of the supporting deanships. The event was held at King Faisal Auditorium, UQU Campus in al-Abdiyah.
Dr. Assas valued the generous support the University receives from the Wise Leadership. Thanks to such support, he clarified, the University has been able to implement many programs, as per the world's highest standards. He stressed that the launch of a series of e-services for the benefit of UQU staff comes in line with the e-services recently launched for the advantage of the University's students and staff. All such services, according to Dr. Assas, come in line with the the e-Government Program. He mentioned, also, that all such services were developed and inaugurated under the follow-up of Dr. Ahmed al-Eisa, Minister of Education. Benefiting from those services are more than 120,000 UQU affiliates (students, faculty members and administrative staff) in the UQU headquarters in Makkah, as well as its branches in Jamoum, Leith, Qunfudah and Adham. Dr. Assas explained that services now are provided and followed up through the UQU portal, without the need to attend in person, thus saving the time of both students and staff.
For his part, Dr. Shoho, the Vice President, mentioned that the UQU Vice Presidency, as represented by the Department of Personnel Affairs, seeks to develop the e-services provided to the University's faculty members and administrative staff, now totaling over 10,000. In doing so, the Vice Presidency aims to enable employees to follow up their transactions online, without the need to head to the Personnel Affairs Department. As such, he added, those services would enable the employees to do without the traditional transactions, thus saving their time. Meanwhile, he valued the keen interest shown by the UQU President, Dr. Assas, in developing those e-services for the advantage of the UQU staff.
Dr. Shosho went on to explain that the e-service package includes: secondment, courses, overtime, committees and boards, and disclaimer, in addition to the administrative movement service. Those services, according to Dr. Shosho, would help reduce dependence on paperwork. And of course they would increase the accuracy and efficiency, by avoiding the possibility of loss or damage of any document, as well as avoiding duplication when it comes to the payment of dues. Work is now underway on developing the Vice Presidency's  remaining services.
Still, Dr. Hani O. Ghazi, Vice President for Academic Development and Community Service and Acting Vice President for Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Creativity, stated that the UQU Vice Presidency for Academic Development and Community Service spares no effort to provide all UQU services online, in cooperation with the competent UQU subdivisions. Dr. Ghazi expressed his appreciation the keen interest shown by Dr. Assas, the UQU President, in this area. 
The Dean of Information Technology (IT), Dr. Majid al-Qithami, for his part, provided a brief explanation of the e-services. The secondment and courses e-services, according to Dr. Al-Qithami, automate secondment processes, by entering the decision and beneficiaries, and allowing automatic linking, as well as print of the decision. As for the overtime, the relevant decision and beneficiaries are entered into a system that is automatically linked to the attendance and payroll systems. And the system register the number of overtime hours, making sure to avoid duplicated payment. Moving on to the courses and boards, the e-service automates all relevant processes: committee formation, adding members and topics, sessions, voting, discussion of the topics, attendance, submission or minutes and signatures, registering attendance at the Personnel Affairs System, and completing payment procedures of dues automatically. Moreover, the disclaimer e-service automates all relevant processes: submission of disclaimer request, obtaining all necessary approvals, as well as issuance and print of the disclaimer. Besides, a simple and flexible mechanism has been developed to enable modification of the disclaimer direction and competent perons without the need for a technical intervention.
Dr. Al-Qithami went on to explain that the e-services include the administrative movement service, to facilitate all internal administrative movements: transfer among the UQU subdivisions, and designation and assignment for both administrative staff and faculty members, all within one system instantly connected to all relevant systems, such as applying the transfer on the administrative structure, and applying the allowance movements, influence on the study burden, and coordination with the administrative communication system, and Hader System, to instantly reflect the influence of a decision once it is taken. Dr. Al-Qithami reaffirmed that all precautions are taken to avoid duplicated payment to the same person, or the duplication of two persons on the same position at the same period.
