جامعة أم القرى

جامعة أم القرى

لجنة أبحاث التخرج E

- 2018/09/26

الأقسام العلمية و الوحدات

    Brief Description:

    Research Project is an annual course covering the whole fifth year "two semesters" under the supervision of the final year research unit and is executed by multiple faculty members. Student are enrolled in this course with the goal of enhancing psychomotor and communication skills, in addition to the knowledge already acquired during the whole program. Students work in groups of 4-6 with the intent of developing interpersonal and communication skills.

    A comprehensive dissertation of the project work is required, which must be presented to the supervisor and in front of the examination committee. The course includes introductory research methodology and scientific writing presentation, an experimental part, writing and presentation part. Overall this course aims to train final year students on how to carry scientific research based on the principles and techniques commonly used.


    Documents and Forms of Student Research Project (SRP)


    Reseach Project Liberary 


    Student Research Project Statistics

     Number of participations of staff members (in each department) in the research project between 33-1437 (Male section)


    Participation in Student Scientific Conferences


    Student Research Project Gallery:


    جار التحميل